Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions

Case Study #HL129

Case Study

We all fiddle with our hair but for some, particularly during times of stress, this can lead to compulsive hair-pulling and twisting resulting in patchy loss - a condition called Trichotillomania (or “trich” for short).

Surprisingly common, it’s said to affect around 2 people out of 50 and can start at any age, although it commonly begins in early teenage years.

Therapy is usually the first port of call.  Talk is good but action is better.  We work on your head not in it, immediately restoring your confidence with a beautiful head of hair.

And for countless clients over the years, we’ve been the final solution.  Just like for the lovely Claire here.

When she first came to us our specialist Kinsey System was necessary due to the extent and seriousness of her hair loss.  This allowed her to recover mentally and physically to the point where her own hair grew back to the stage where we could move her on to our unique Mark Glenn fibre hair extensions - and you can see the amazing results here.

And one day, we hope she won’t need any cosmetic enhancement at all.

We’re so grateful 🙏 to Claire for allowing us to share her inspirational story.  And if you’re suffering with trich, the time to act is now - the longer you leave it, the greater the chance of permanent hair loss.

So come and see us and let’s see what we can do together to get you back on track and turn your life around. ❤️



Before & After

Before After


Before Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
Before Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
Before Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
Before Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions


After Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
After Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
After Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions
After Picture - Trichotillomania Transformation With Mark Glenn Hair Extensions